
"Working at INESC Porto is challenging in a sense that we have to innovate constantly", Rui Diogo Rebelo

Have your say

“It would be interesting and prestigious for INESC Porto to be referenced as a place where there is a significant amount of good published articles in order to obtain a degree”, Orlando Frazão

Free Nonsense

This collaborator tells us the story of Matt, a young man who conquered the world… dancing! The four-minute video where the North-American young man can be seen dancing in 42 countries is already a phenomenon on YouTube, registering almost 10 million visits.

Gallery of the Uncommon

Among the dozens of questions and requests that we receive every month in our portal, it is not uncommon for us to find that some of them are a bit unusual or incredible. However, in 2008, no other message topped this one.

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


BIP celebrates its 8th anniversary


The birth and the godparents

A survey on communication at INESC Porto that took place in May of 2000 revealed the need to create an internal vehicle of information that kept the collaborators informed every month on the activities and projects carried out at INESC Porto, promoting, at the same time, the feeling of belonging.


Thus the Bulletin of INESC Porto, also known as BIP, was born. In that same survey, the collaborators were asked to provide a name for a hypothetical informative bulletin. Few people know that José Silva Matos (UTM) and João Cardoso (UESP) suggested the name “BIP”. The Board approved and thus our bulletin was baptised.

The team produced issue number zero in October 2000 and some dozens of editions that followed that first issue were set up by Vladimiro Miranda, Sandra Pinto, José Carlos Sousa, Rute Ferreira (this strong group still holds today), José Luís Santos (UOSE) and João José Pinto Ferreira (UESP). The joyous meetings for the first issues took place at INESC Porto’s previous building, located at the Praça da República.


The corners of the house

Surely few people remember the first issues, which were exclusively internal. From those previous editions, we remember the “Classified Adds” where people advertised cars and computers, the “Jorge de Sena Gallery” where our collaborators showed their artistic tendencies, or even the “Tribune” that counted on the most illustrious guests outside INESC Porto.

One of the most successful sections is still Biptoon. Drawn exclusively by Rute Ferreira, Biptoon has been evolving throughout time and it continues to provide amusement with every issue of BIP. Other than this ex-libris from BIP, the two articles of opinion written by two INESC Porto collaborators every month make us very proud. Yes, because no one expected that there could be such literary talent in an institution of engineers and technicians.

Of course we cannot forget the most informative part of the Bulletin. We will never forget the “News”, the “Highlight” and the “Special Report”, such as our emotional farewell to the unforgettable Regina Freitas or professor Lourenço Fernandes, the awarding of Associated Laboratory statute to INESC Porto, the Board’s restructuring, and many others that make the history of our institution. And with BIP, they will be remembered forever. Then, there is also the “Editorial” which provides us with thoughts on current events, or the “Gallery of the Uncommon” with some really extraordinary stories. The “Job for the Boys and Girls” section would be disappointed if we didn’t mention it.


More than just providing information

The most recent collaborators may think that BIP is nothing more than an electronic edition available at INESC Porto’s website, but the truth is that our bulletin has been involved in several initiatives to promote culture and internal communication. In fact, throughout all these years, we have organised photography, poetry and anecdote competitions, we have promoted discussions with external guests, and we have also thrown a multicultural snack with the precious help of our foreign collaborators.

In fact, the people who read BIP get to know what happens at INESC Porto – new projects, results, awards, graduations, the Board’s last decisions or even internal changes. At the same time, the readers can reflect on a co-worker’s article, or even get to know a new collaborator. At the same time, it is possible to have fun with the uncommon situations and with the cartoons, to find employment opportunities, or even to say happy birthday to that cute co-worker upstairs… so, BIP strives to be a diverse vehicle of information.

Initially thought as an internal medium only, after issue number 15, BIP became available on the Internet as well. However, the giant leap took place in April 2006 when the Bulletin started being translated into English every three months. After that, information regarding BIP was disseminated in Faculties and Universities from 25 different countries every month.


The workers

Every month, usually during the first week, Vladimiro Miranda (DIP), Sandra Pinto (Communication Service), Joana Ferreira (Communication Service), Rita Pacheco (Communication Service), Rute Ferreira (USE), José Carlos Sousa (SIG), António Lucas Soares (UESP), Teresa Andrade (UTM) and Paulo Marques (UOSE) meet in order to decide what should be included in the next edition of BIP.

Honestly, we must confess that these meetings are the funniest part of producing BIP. When we manage to gather the whole team, we sometimes spend three deliciously funny hours planning the edition.

But what would BIP be without its readers? We are very grateful to all of them for having followed BIP from the start. Our present to them is the new image of the Bulletin, designed by Rita Mendes. With this new graphic design, our intention is to renew the intention of informing INESC Porto’s collaborators, always striving to mantain our credibility, without ever forgetting the entertainment component.


The team speaks out

BIP – What is your favourite section of BIP? Why?

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VLADIMIRO MIRANDA – Biptoon because it is the maximum expression of irreverence, allowing BIP to stand out when compared to similar bulletins. For the same reasons, I also enjoy the Free Nonsense and Have your Say sections – they are the genuine expression of individual feeling, without any kind of censorship or limit and, therefore, it is what we are – human beings in a house of extraordinary merits. And, of course, I enjoy the Editorial section because I write it and in it I place my heart (and sometimes my reason).


SANDRA PINTO - Biptoon is fantastic and inevitable. However, there are other enjoyable sections, such as the Gallery of the Uncommon, or even the Special Report. In the most serious sections, I enjoy the Highlight and News sections. Although they are informative, they are different from publications in similar institutions in a sense that they are not presumptuous and “grey” (I hope!). When I read the editorials, I am astonished how some people can be so brilliant.


RUTE FERREIRABiptoon because I draw it!!


TERESA ANDRADE – Highlight, News and Biptoon. The first because it shortly highlights some of the projects and initiatives carried out INESC Porto; the second because it allows us to have a general idea of each unit’s initiatives; and the third because it is enjoyable.

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RITA PACHECO - Biptoon because it always makes me laugh and because of its originality in a publication with a largely technical component; Highlight because it combines relevant information about INESC Porto in a single article; and Editorial because it is a bit of literature flavour in a technical environment such as INESC Porto’s.


JOANA FERREIRA – Biptoon is, without a question, my favourite section in a sense that it gives us a comic look over what happens at INESC Porto.


LUCAS SOARES – News, Have Your Say and Biptoon. The first two because they fulfill BIP’s informative role in both senses. Biptoon, because it is a unique irreverent section.


PAULO MARQUES – Special Report, Highlight and News. The three sections let us know what really happens at INESC Porto.


JOSÉ CARLOS SOUSA – My favourite “dish” is News, with Highlight, followed by Biptoon with a pinch of humour. The first two ingredients taste like knowledge, and the other one tastes like irreverence.


BIP –Who would you invite to become part of the team? Why?

VM – I would like to have José Luís Santos back on the team. For many years, he worked as our “laughter meter”: if he didn’t laugh with something, including something serious, he would cut that out of BIP... Do you remember? That worked really, really well.

SP – The writer Luis Sepúlveda, who I met a couple of weeks ago, because he portrays the current world with realism without mincing the words, exposing the wrongs that affect us from a human, social and ecological point of view. He would be an asset to the team.

RF – My co-workers from USE because our sense of humour is unique.

TA – Professor Pimenta Alves because he has a wide vision of everything that goes on at INESC Porto, in the Faculty and outside, particularly in the media, combined with a great sensitivity for relevant matters. Also, he has a vast set of relevant knowledge.

RP – I would invite José Carlos Dores since he is quite unique and so he would provide us with some original ideas. And also because he is one of the people I like the most at INESC Porto.

JF – I would invite Lídia Vilas-Boas for her working ability.

LS – I would invite Jorge Pinho de Sousa because he is an enlightened obstinate.

PM – Ireneu Dias. Even though he is always busy, he has nice ideas.

JCS – I believe that any other collaborator could be part of the team because the culture of this publication is already rooted in each of its readers.


BIP – Why is BIP better when compared to similar publications?

VM – BIP is genuine and it is not the owner’s voice. At the same time, there is a general quality in its diversity, allowing it to be appreciated under different perspectives and different audiences: internal, national and foreign. Then, it is ours, it is us.

SP – It is light, fresh, without academic titles. It is not politically correct or the Board’s voice. It is informal, yet educational. It is different, honest and authentic.

RF – BIP is better because we do it…

TA – BIP is objective in the presentation of the news, which is combined with its diversity and good humour.

RP - BIP can combine the most technical and formal part of INESC Porto, with a unique and comic component (Gallery of the Uncommon or Biptoon). Therefore, BIP is different from the rest.

JF – BIP is more innovative, bolder, more dynamic, informative and appealing. Summing up, BIP is better!

LS – I don’t know if BIP is better or not... the most positive factor, in my point of view, is the fact that it never became the “official” voice of the institution.

PM – I don’t know any similar publications. However, BIP has a broader nature relatively to newsletters, such as the newsletter from the University of Porto, since it includes sections such as Have Your Say, Gallery of the Uncommon, Free Nonsense and Biptoon.

JCS – BIP manages to maintain a balanced mix between information and humour.


BIP – Do you like being part of BIP’s team? Why?

VM – I love it: on one hand, every issue is successful and, on the other hand, we have the monthly meetings for the production of BIP that are very enjoyable and make me laugh. I’m happy to have such excellent friends brought together by fate in order to create a wonderfully fun team.

SP – I like it a lot and I’m proud to be part of this team since the first issue. I am fortunate for witnessing BIP’s growth, overcoming obstacles like a baby does. And all of this is only possible due to the talented team that produces it.

RF – I kind of like it! :) The meetings are generally funny and I really enjoy having the opportunity to draw Biptoon.

TA – What a question ;-) I enjoy it for several reasons: it is an opportunity to get to know what happens at INESC Porto and also to get to know the units’ collaborators better, who, most of the time, I don’t know. Although my participation is small (for personal reasons, I think – not all of us have the communicative skills that Rute, Sandra, Zé-Carlos and professor Valdimiro have ;-) ), it is always an opportunity to contribute to a more positive goal. BIP’s meetings always take place in a relaxed and funny environment!

RP – Yes, because I feel that I’m part of a publication that has been growing and maturing throughout the years, a publication that managed to captivate readers, not only at INESC Porto, but also outside.

JF – I like it a lot. It is very gratifying to be part of a project that was born at INESC Porto, a project that is a communication reference as far as R&D is concerned.

LS – BIP’s meetings are always very relaxing. On the other hand, there are serious debating moments where we become aware of the importance of certain matters.  

 PM – I enjoy being part of the team and I am honestly sorry for not being able to participate more, including for not attending more meetings. Maybe my participation should be reconsidered so that other person who contributes more can be part of the team.

JCS - Yes, because collaborating with BIP’s team is sheer fun and relaxation. And, other than that, there is balance in the team – if someone says “kill”, the other one says “skin”.


BIP – What do you wish for BIP over the next years?

VM – I wish that BIP would transform itself in order to be the same, being better.

SP – My wish is that BIP continues to improve with every edition. May it continue to carry out self-criticism so that it can grow and evolve even more.

RF – My wish for BIP is that it continues to evolve.

TA – I wish that BIP continues to be dynamic and to have good ideas and that its visibility continues to increase. I also wish that all the collaborators continue to easily and readily participate and that BIP continues to be seen as a point of reference for the dissemination of news both internally and externally.

RP – I wish that BIP’s success and visibility continue to increase and that the participation of the readers becomes more active through the submittal of comments that will help the team improve this publication.

JF – Energy, creativity, team spirit and plenty of success!

LS – I wish that BIP always seeks to surprise. If it stops doing so, it will become yet another institutional bulletin.

PM – I believe that we must find a way to increase the reciprocal knowledge on what each unit does within INESC Porto as far as science is concerned. When I say this, I mean that there should be articles that describe the work that is carried out at the institution, in a way that is understandable for everyone, some sort of "science for dummies".

JCS – I wish that BIP would win a Pulitzer prize. Also, I wish that the new comment system (only internal for now) will bring a new dynamics to BIP so that it continues its path towards success. From my part, I’m still waiting for a "science for dummies" or "(un)complicating science" section. I’m sure we would all learn a lot from it.


We wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t mention the unconditional commitment from António Carlos Sá (SIG), who supports the electronic version of BIP, month after month. We thank you for your professionalism, patience and dedication.

Do you like BIP’s new image? Send us your opinion and suggestions to Help us improve communication at INESC Porto.