The intelligent activity of institutions regenerates continuously, in a commitment between the urgency of promoting an image and the need to work quietly.
The need to gain credibility, to influence decisions, to acquire status, causes organisations (and managers) to be constantly anxious when it comes to communicating.
Communicating is no longer disseminating something: it is simply being featured in the media.
However, being the little ant that does its job quietly is also advantageous. Through epiphenomena, this is the labour that creates, that builds foundations, and constructs something solid on those foundations.
These reflections are justified by the initiative TEC4SEA at INESC TEC. We mention it because it has not been in the media: in the year we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we can promise that INESC TEC will be marking an important step towards the new India that is Atlantis.
Extending the continental platform gives Portugal sovereignty over 4 million square metres of sea bed. Half the size of Brazil. And INESC TEC will be there.
The TEC4SEA initiative, with a firm step and being discrete enough, although not irresolute, will put Portugal at the forefront of technologies that make it possible to explore, stay and operate on the sea bed.
Now it is not simply about finding new countries like our navigators once did: but there is a new Bojador, a new Adamastor lurking, a new Mostrengo coming from the abyss. But these, like the old monsters, are not scary after all – what is the heart of men made of, what will now puts them at the helm?
Photo credits: Flickr (by Yoann Jézéquel)