
INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Nuno Silva, Director for Technology Management at EFACEC.


Arian Pasquali (LIAAD), João Silva (CSIG), José Ricardo Andrade (CPES), Leonel Carvalho (CPES), Paulo Ferreira (SAAF), Filipe Borges Teixeira (CTM), Kelwin Fernandes (CTM)

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INESC TEC has a new European project in the field of energy

To develop, integrate and test new technologies in the field of energy and to apply them in analysis and consequent change of behaviours, these are the main goals of FEEdBACk – Fostering Energy Efficiency and BehAvioural Change through ICT, the new approved European project in the Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES) of INESC TEC.

These new technologies will be used to involve energy consumers and allow them to realise and change their consumption behaviour, focusing on three distinct environments: work, school and home; and acting in three different geographical areas: the North of Portugal, the Spanish Mediterranean and the North of Germany.

The consortium defined for this project involves seven European countries and includes research institutions with experience in energy, three SMEs specialised in digital e-learning, which aim to develop applications meant to change behaviours and build databases related to energy, and three organisations that own and manage buildings, schools and accommodations, both public and private, all committed to lowering and optimising their energy consumption.

This work aims to accelerate the commercialization by SMEs of tools that allow building owners to understand and reduce their energy consumption. In the long term, it is intended that companies incorporate elements of these applications in order to change behaviours, be more competitive and contribute to the accomplishment of energy sustainability goals promoted by the European Union.

The INESC TEC team involved in this proposal is composed of Filipe Joel Soares, André Guimarães Madureira, Leonel Carvalho, José Iria and Nilufar Neyestani, researchers at the Centre for Power and Energy Systems, and António Coelho, researcher at the Centre for Information Systems and Computer Graphics.

The project has a total budget of €2,400,000.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768935.

The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.

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