Lado B

A world sprinkled with salsa


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Armindo Oliveira from EGITRON.


"Knowing that, due to the importance of an institution like INESC TEC, the creation of the most innovative solutions are expected from us is really challenging.", João Pedro Aguiar (CPES)

Serious Thinking

"The adoption of advanced technologies by companies is a complex process and has an impact in several aspects of their management.", Ana Simões (CESE)

Gallery of the Uncommon

Do you think there are many uncommon moments in a research institution? There are more uncommon moments than you think: so many in fact!

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


Gallery of the Uncommon

Joy at the workplace

Do you think there are many uncommon moments in a research institution? There are more uncommon moments than you think: so many in fact – and occurring on a daily basis simply because there is no such thing as monotony here, folks. There is stress, anxiety, nerves, but there is also satisfaction, enthusiasm and lots of fun. Good spirits!

For all this reasons, and with BIP being as nosy as it is, it wasn’t a complete surprise when we found 4 – yes, 4 – bottles of wine in one of the refrigerators of our building. Let us speculate then: it’s useful in both calming the anxiety, as well as celebrating the approval of an application or a paper’s publication. Let there be happiness!

We don’t judge anyone. Now, what we can’t tolerate is that you store bottles of mature and fortified red wine in the refrigerator! Red wine is not the same as beer! Dear friends, these wines must be stored in places that are between 14° and 18°. The refrigerators are set between 4-5°. Unfortunately, when you drink your fresh wine, that joy characteristic may no longer exist.

A suggestion: store the wine in a place at room temperature – in clear view on your desk and with your name on the label. This way, you show how much of an expert you are. Trust me, this comes from a concerned friend.

Unless...the idea was to hide the wine from some greedy palates! the refrigerator?? One of these days, the bottles will show up filled with yoghurt.