Lado B

A world sprinkled with salsa


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Armindo Oliveira from EGITRON.


"Knowing that, due to the importance of an institution like INESC TEC, the creation of the most innovative solutions are expected from us is really challenging.", João Pedro Aguiar (CPES)

Serious Thinking

"The adoption of advanced technologies by companies is a complex process and has an impact in several aspects of their management.", Ana Simões (CESE)

Gallery of the Uncommon

Do you think there are many uncommon moments in a research institution? There are more uncommon moments than you think: so many in fact!

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

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INESC TEC researcher elected for the Committee on Foundations of Computer Science

On 24 January, Luís Soares Barbosa, researcher of INESC TEC’s High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab) and Professor at the University of Minho and at the United Nations University, was elected Chair of the Technical Committee 1 - Foundations of Computer Science (IFIP TC1), an international committee that aims at the development of the theory and computer science and of its bridges with other domains of knowledge and socially relevant applications.

The committee is composed of coordinators from different working groups, national representatives and a number of researchers internationally recognised for their contributions to the foundations of Computer Science.

The participation of Luís Soares Barbosa in IFIP dates back to 2014 when he was co-opted as a member of WG1.03 and was later appointed as a representative from Portugal in TC1. With this election, Luís Barbosa succeeds Jacques Sakarovitch from CNRS - Université Paris Diderot, who chaired TC1 from 2013 to 2018.

Established in 1960, under the auspices of UNESCO, IFIP is a global organisation of researchers and professionals working in the field of Information and Communication Technologies that aims at providing a framework for research, developing standards and promoting an open sharing of information.

IFIP TC1 gathers a number of working groups that play an important role in the revitalisation of specific scientific sub-areas, such as "Complexity” (WG1.02), "Foundations of System Specification” (WG1.03), "Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems” (WG1.05), “Rewriting Theory” (WG1.06), "Information Security” (1.07), “Concurrency Theory” (WG1.08), “Verified Systems” (WG1.09) and "Algorithms on String & Applications” (WG1.10).


The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with UMinho.