Lado B

A world sprinkled with salsa


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Armindo Oliveira from EGITRON.


"Knowing that, due to the importance of an institution like INESC TEC, the creation of the most innovative solutions are expected from us is really challenging.", João Pedro Aguiar (CPES)

Serious Thinking

"The adoption of advanced technologies by companies is a complex process and has an impact in several aspects of their management.", Ana Simões (CESE)

Gallery of the Uncommon

Do you think there are many uncommon moments in a research institution? There are more uncommon moments than you think: so many in fact!

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


INESC TEC was honoured at FEUP’s Day

Twenty-three INESC TEC’s collaborators were distinguished at the Day of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), which was held on 14 January.

Besides the acknowledgement to business partnerships and to student organisations from FEUP, there were tributes to those that already retired and to new PhD students. Performance awards, pedagogical and scientific recognitions and pedagogical and scientific excellence awards were given, among others. 

The programme was attended by the Minister for the Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, along with the Rector of the University of Porto, António Sousa Pereira and the Dean of FEUP, João Falcão e Cunha.

FEUP’S Day takes place once a year, aiming at distinguishing and valuing the role of the Faculty in the professional and personal success of current and former students, professors, researchers and technicians.

According to the different categories, the honoured collaborators that are associated with INESC TEC are:



Fernando Pires Maciel Barbosa (CPES)



Ana Maria Cunha Ribeiro dos Santos Ponces Camanho (CEGI)
António Augusto de Sousa (CSIG)
António José Duarte Araújo (CTM)
Carlos Coelho Leal Monteiro Moreira (CPES)
João Alberto Vieira Campos Pereira Claro (CA)
José Fernando da Costa Oliveira (CEGI)
José Rui da Rocha Pinto Ferreira (CPES)
Luís Filipe Pinto de Almeida Teixeira (CTM)
Maria Inês Barbosa de Carvalho (CTM)
Rui Luis Nogueira Penha (CTM)
Rui Pedro Amaral Rodrigues (CSIG)
Vera Lúcia Miguéis Oliveira e Silva (CEGI)



Américo Lopes de Azevedo (CESE)
Carlos Manuel Milheiro de Oliveira Pinto Soares (CESE)
Isabel Maria Noronha de Resende Horta e Costa (CEGI)
Jaime dos Santos Cardoso (CTM)
João Manuel Paiva Cardoso (CSIG)
João Paulo da Silva Catalão (CPES)
Manuel Alberto Pereira Ricardo (CA)
Paulo José Lopes Machado Portugal (CTM)
Vera Lúcia Miguéis Oliveira e Silva (CEGI)


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with UP-FEUP.


Photo credits: FEUP