
INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Fausto de Carvalho at Altice Labs.


This section honours collaborators for exceptional contributions in their area of expertise. This edition features Rute Ferreira and Samuel Moniz.

Serious Thinking

"Our adventurous spirit must be fed. That is what INESC TEC is made of, otherwise we wouldn’t be pioneers in innovation and excellence. That spirit characterises me also.", Ana Paula Silva (CSIG)

Gallery of the Uncommon

Yeah, we knew that researchers at LIAAD wrote papers, but we did not know they wrote about “science for young children”. They were caught in the act - we went through their shelves and what did we find?

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market. Meet some of them.

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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Doctoral thesis developed at INESC TEC awarded in Brazil

Vinicius Souza of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of São Paulo (ICMC-USP), has received the "Best PhD Thesis" award for work conducted at INESC TEC. He was awarded as part of a competition which awards the best theses and dissertations in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (CTDIAC).

The thesis, titled “Classification of Non-Stationary Data Streams and Infinitely Delayed Labels with Application in Optical Sensors for Insect Species Identification”, was supervised and co-supervised respectively by Gustavo Batista and João Gama (the latter a researcher at INESC TEC). In his work, the researcher describes methods and algorithms for identifying, in real time, the species of insects crossing an optical sensor.
Vinícius Souza was at INESC TEC’s Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD) for a year. During his stay in Porto, he developed new methods and algorithms that can keep a classification model updated even in the absence of tagged data. New algorithms have also been developed for the extreme latency scenario.

The CTDIAC is an event that takes place every two years. Its goal is to honor and reward the best dissertations and doctoral theses in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. The award ceremony took place during the Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems - BRACIS 2016, in October in Recife, Brazil.

The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with UP-FEP.