
INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Luís Fernando Passos, consultant for research and development at TBE – Transmissoras Brasileiras de Energia (Brazilian Energy Transmitters).


Nádia Silva (C-BER), Hélder Fontes (CTM), Paula Rodrigues (HASLab), António Barbosa (CPES) and Bárbara Maia (CG)

Serious Thinking

" I have to admit that in the beginning, I felt like an odd duck. I did not understand the terminology used and the dynamics was pretty different from what I was used to. I was used to talking about 'emotions', 'feelings' and 'behaviours', as opposed to 'systems', 'networks', 'algorithms'…", Susana Barbosa, C-BER

Gallery of the Uncommon

What to expect from as institution that’s called Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science?

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Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

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Last 4th of April, INESC TEC had the visit of a delegation from OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, of which were part the Chief of the Centre for Local Development and the Chief of the Directorate for Public Governance.

The OECD elements were interested in knowing about the Science Management Model applied in INESC TEC and they were pleased with the results that have been accomplished.

There were also present several elements of the Agency for Development and Cohesion and the Norte Portugal Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N).

The programme included a presentation of INESC TEC, as well as a visit to the MicroGids and Electric Vehicle Laboratory.

Portugal is a founding member of the OECD, which main purpose is promoting coherent policies, oriented to development. Its mission is to promote policies that allow to reach supported economic growth and employment, improving the quality of life of its 35 member countries. Basically, it intends to, in the last instance, maintain financial stability and contribute to the development of the world economy and commerce.