Lado B

A world sprinkled with salsa


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Armindo Oliveira from EGITRON.


"Knowing that, due to the importance of an institution like INESC TEC, the creation of the most innovative solutions are expected from us is really challenging.", João Pedro Aguiar (CPES)

Serious Thinking

"The adoption of advanced technologies by companies is a complex process and has an impact in several aspects of their management.", Ana Simões (CESE)

Gallery of the Uncommon

Do you think there are many uncommon moments in a research institution? There are more uncommon moments than you think: so many in fact!

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...



 Image of Highlight

Robot developed for the automotive industry successfully tested

ColRobot, which was developed by INESC TEC, was presented and tested on 22 January in one of the institution's lab dedicated to the industrial robotics. This was the last demonstration of the European project with the same name, which had a budget of EUR 4.3 million for developing robotic solutions, within a period of three years, which could be applied to the automotive and aerospace industries. The demonstration, which was attended by several people, namely by the European partners of the project, was made in a Renault vehicle. As the demonstration progressed, the researchers from INESC TEC’S Centre for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS) presented to the participants the ColRobot project, particularly focusing on the RENAULT's case study.  Mais...


INESC TEC helps telling stories in 360º videos


In 2017, under the innovation fund Digital News Initiative, Google issued a challenge that intended to stimulate the innovation in the digital journalism. INESC TEC addressed this challenge and, two years later, it presents the Augmented Video 360 – an editing and visualisation tool for 360º videos with dynamic annotations in order to improve narratives -, thus making the act of telling stores through 360º videos much easier.  Mais...


Expanding the civic debate


The universities and the research centres build knowledge and train people, but they will only be able to do more if the raw material that they receive is well-prepared.(...) This way, it is our civic duty to take a look at the secondary education, and before that, at the primary education.   Mais...