Lado B

Bring happiness and love to our neighbours.


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Paulo Sousa from Maxdata.


"When there is a team that is capable of representing the Centre with commitment and seriousness while at the same time being in a good mood, the conditions for success are met." Henrique and João (CPES)

Serious Thinking

"Recent scandals may have undermined social networks’ reliability, but it is up to each one of us, its users, to ensure the veracity and credibility of what is published, to use and misuse of accuracy, which is so characteristic of the scientific method, in order to promote science." Eunice Oliveira (SCOM)

Gallery of the Uncommon

We have increasingly agile, sophisticated and secure resources in order to protect millions of data that are generated every minute. However, at INESC TEC, there is a Centre that stores its data in the safest way possible...

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities.


Gallery of the Uncommon

Tradition still remains

In this edition of BIP, we talk about INESC TEC's participation in Deucalion's specification, a European supercomputer that is at the top of computer sophistication. In the last edition of BIP, we announced the Keyruptive technology, which is a mobile wallet that stores crypto coins in a secure and convenient way. Before that, we had already mentioned the SafeCloud project, which was developed in order to make data in the cloud inviolable, thus ensuring that the data of millions of users of cloud storage services aren't being handled by third parties.

There are many examples in every edition of BIP: we have increasingly agile, sophisticated and secure resources in order to protect millions of data that are generated every minute.

However, at INESC TEC, tradition still remains and there is a Centre that stores its data in the safest way possible: paper files, stored in drawers in alphabetical order. A hacker launching a virus, worms, ramsomware, rootkits? Big deal. The real threat is in the silverfishes. However, our researchers have already created a specific sensor that detects this infestation and that monitors and launches a real-time alert.

INESC TEC, innovating since 1985 :)