UTM coordinates European project on user-provided networking
The area Internet Architectures and Networking (IAN) of the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) had a new proposal approved for a STREP (Strategic Target Research Project) approved within the 5th call of the 7th Framework Programme approved (objective 1.1 - Network of the Future).
Entitled ULOOP (User-centric Wireless Local Loop), the project kicks off in July 2010 and has an expected duration of three years. With an estimated budget of 441 thousand Euros for INESC Porto, ULOOP focuses on user-provided networking and it is expected that, among other results, there will be a strong component of large-scale demonstration based on a prototype to be developed in several locations in Europe.
The project is scientifically coordinated by INESC Porto, represented by researcher Rute Sofia, and by Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs France.
ULOOP has a total of 12 partners, including three operators, two access manufacturers, a software house and four universities, other than INESC Porto as an R&D laboratory. As far as industrial partners are concerned, we highlight the participations of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, of Huawei (Germany), FON (Spain) and ARIA (Italy).