UESP starts training for DINAMIC project
The Manufacturing Systems Engineering Unit (UESP) promoted, within the DINAMIC project, a 56-hour training that started in March and ended in April.
DINAMIC aims to promote innovation in SMEs through the creation of the “driving force element”, responsible for the development of an innovation plan for the company. The project contemplates training based on Innovation Management that will be provided to the selected candidates, recently graduated students or senior student in the areas of engineering and management, so that they are capable of developing skills to identify opportunities and prepare an innovative project in the company.
Other than the person responsible for the project, António Correia Alves of UESP, other members of the Unit collaborated in the training, such as Jorge Pinho de Sousa (manager of UESP), Paula Gomes, Cláudia Nair Abreu and Filipa Ramalho. Ana Azevedo, of the Librabry of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), and António Augusto Fernandes, director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC) also collaborated in the process.
This project is coordinated by the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona, together with the Politechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) and the Chambers of Commerce of Cantabria, Catalonia and Toulouse.
Parallel to this training, some trainees were selected to work on a project in a company. The project phase started in April and is expected to last four months. The aim is to identify opportunities and to prepare an Innovation plan for the company.