
Ademar Aguiar, Bernardo Silva and Pedro Ribeiro

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"These young learners with scientific hopes, our future representatives, want to immerse themselves in the origins of science to investigate the infinite number of possibilities of applying this knowledge to reality.", Raquel Pestana

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"I accepted the invitation to voice my reasoning, or lack of, on the growth of INESC Porto. The title of this article reveals my feelings straight away in relation to this growth...", Graça Barbosa

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We thought we had seen it all, but drinking water with a fork - it could only be the Power Systems Unit.

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INESC Porto participates in project on energy transmission networks

The Power Systems Unit (USE) at INESC Porto will participate in the European project “innovative Tools for Electrical System security within Large Areas (iTESLA)”, which is part of the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. The aim of the project is to develop a flexible toolbox to support the future operation of pan European electrical energy transmission networks.

The project consortium involves 21 partners and RTE (the project coordinator), REN (Portuguese National Electricity Network operator) and REE (Electricity operator in Spain) are just some of the transmission system operators taking part. INESC Porto and the Imperial College London will represent research institutes and universities respectively. USE at INESC Porto will be responsible for developing the Work Package 7, which involves the global integration and validation of the decision-support tools for the operation of the transmission networks developed by iTESLA.

The project is currently in the negotiation phase with the European Commission. André Madureira from USE and João Peças Lopes, a Director at INESC Porto, will be responsible for the institute’s participation in this project.