
José Carlos Alves, Clara Gouveia, and João Gama and João Falcão e Cunha.

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"This scope for collaboration is even more important with the current difficult climate, which requires close interaction of a number of players in the research landscape...", Stefan Petters (CISTER)

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“'The Portugal chapter' of my life started three years ago, when I moved to Lisbon aiming to start my PhD studies at the MIT Portugal program", Şenay Sadic (UESP)

Gallery of the Uncommon

Let us tell you how we were robbed of our most beloved Christmas ornament right before the holidays...

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Gallery of the Uncommon

The (un)starred tree

Perhaps those who are more distracted did not notice it. But it is true: our star is not there, at the top of the tree, in its rightful place, watchful and guiding. And why is that? We do not know. The story of INESC TEC’s little star can be told in just a few words: it was placed on top of the Christmas tree, and disappeared a few hours later. It vanished, it went M.I.A. or maybe it was nicked, tucked under an agile arm or inside a sneaky pocket. It is presumed that it resurfaced on another tree, at another location.

Did the star leave our tree free willingly and spontaneously? Did the star not enjoy the company of the balls, of the ribbons, or was it simply annoyed by the Chinese accent of the blinking lights? Did it rush out of the tree to guide the Wise Men with Alzheimer’s?

We want to believe that there was no wrongdoing because the alternative is bleak: star thieves, aliens without a shed of ethics living among us in disguise only to destroy us. Today the star is missing, tomorrow maybe the sun...

For those who are already missing the star and are still concerned for its well-being, here is a photo of our beloved ornament. We did not put it on the tree because we know quite well that there are photograph lovers among us at INESC TEC who could, moved by their passion, give in to the same kind of impulse that subtracted us of our treasured Christmas star.