
Mário Couto and José Lino Oliveira

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INESC TEC defines strategies to transfer model to Peru

INESC TEC has recently started working with Peruvian entities to create the Instituto de Innovación en Energia (INERG) in Peru, an institution that will be replicating the model of the INESC TEC Associate Laboratory.

The Peruvian Government and INESC TEC have already signed an agreement of intent in which it was established that the Associate Laboratory will help design, create and organise INERG, under the Ministerio de Energía y Minas, and they are both formalising agreements for INESC TEC to start providing Science and Technology support to that institute.

The representative of the CARELEC (Consejo de Administración de Recursos para la Capacitación en Electricidad) and professor at the Universidad ESAN de Lima, Rúben Sánchez, visited the city of Porto (between 16 and 21  October), where he had the opportunity to meet innovation, technology transfer and power systems researchers. “I was allowed to get to know the potential of INESC TEC. In Peru, research and development are still very incipient, and the universities are not ready to work in those areas”, states Rúben Sánchez. “We want to bring more people to INESC TEC so that they get familiarised with the development of science and technology and so that they can learn from this Associate Laboratory”, and he added that he was particularly impressed with the models of the MSc and PhD degrees, as well as with the laboratories he visited, namely the Laboratories of robotics and smart grids.

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Until now, INESC TEC had no relationship with Peruvian institutions or companies, but for the director of INESC Porto (the coordinating entity of INESC TEC), Vladimiro Miranda, associating with entities in that country was a natural step. “In Peru we found a credible representative who was interested in what we had to offer. We got to that country accidentally at the right time, and our competencies will be useful there”.

INERG will be established following the INESC TEC model and will receive technological support from the Portuguese institution. According to Rúben Sánchez, there is already an organisation, the CARELEC, which will be the foundation for establishing INERG, and he added that there is demand in the market and INERG will play a key role in making Peru a more competitive and qualified country. The professor also refers to the Instituto de Innovación en Energía as a “leverage to support the development” and “to make innovation an asset”.

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institutions:  FEUP.