
Um olhar sobre nós na voz dos nossos parceiros - Testemunho da Parque Escolar EPE, pela voz de Sara de Sá Caetano.

Fora de Série

"O contacto mais próximo (...) permitiu confirmar a excelente imagem que o INESC TEC projeta para o exterior e perceber (...) é um reflexo de uma grande equipa (...).", Ricardo Vilaça (HASLab)

A Vós a Razão

"Aceitei o desafio de redigir um pequeno artigo para o BIP... depois pensei, mas vou escrever sobre quê?", Alexandra Carvalho Vieira (CMU Portugal)

Asneira Livre

"O INESC TEC/UITT já oferece coaching e aconselhamento de reconhecida qualidade e que tem recolhido feedback muito positivo.", Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira (UITT)

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Carolina Carvalho, CMU Portugal, Bolsa

Carolina Carvalho

Três coisas que faria se soubesse que iria morrer amanhã

Reunia a família numa festa e passava o tempo restante só com o meu marido.

O que faria se um dia acordasse e tivesse mudado de sexo?

Tentava adormecer de novo.

Se fosse à China e o obrigassem a comer escorpião, como reagiria?

Pensava "só se vive uma vez" e experimentava.

Quem não gostaria de ter como chefe?

A minha mãe.

Uma coisa que o ponha doido

Maus condutores.

Fantasia que nunca realizou

Ir ao Japão (ainda).

Maie Peetri, UITT, Bolsa

Maie Peetri

Name three things that you would do if you knew you were doing to die tomorrow

I would try not to stress too much about it, enjoy the day and...

If you woke up as the opposite gender, what would you do?

I would ask my partner if he still finds me attractive and try out the guy life!

If you went to China and they forced you to eat a scorpion, how would you react?

Hope it is not alive but well-cooked :p

Who would you not want as your boss?

It doesn't really matter who your boss is as each one of us can lead our own lives.

Name something that makes you crazy

Trying to be creative in answering these questions ;) Honestly, from the positive side, I would say doing things that I adore. From the negative side, I would say it drives me crazy when someone enters my house without taking their shoes off at the entrance. I was simply educated like this so even at INESC TEC I sometimes walk around in my green slippers :p

Name a fantasy that you never fulfilled

I tend to make my fantasies come true - I have learned Portuguese, jumped off a flying plane, done the Camiño de Santiago - or maybe I'm simply too realistic with my dreams :)

Hadi Fanaee, LIAAD, Bolsa

Hadi Fanaee

Name three things that you would do if you knew you were doing to die tomorrow

Firstly, I would try to be with those people who I love and spend some good moments with them, and I would tell them how much I love them.

Then I would go to a nice hotel at the top of a mountain and while looking at the distance I would try to enjoy my last moments by thinking of the best events in my life: trips I went on, best jobs, nice people I met, my graduation, my first days in college, my secrets and all the things I have achieved. In other words, I would try to convince myself that I've done a good job in life and that it was the best I could do.

If you woke up as the opposite gender, what would you do?

I would use this great opportunity to discover the female world's mysteries. I would try to learn how they really think, feel and act, and to understand their complicated character. For instance, I am curious to know why they are more emotional, sensitive and delicate than us men. Then I would apply this knowledge to deal with women in real life when I went back to my original gender.

If you went to China and they forced you to eat a scorpion, how would you react?

Well, if they would force me, I couldn’t refuse. I would see this as an opportunity to eat something that I wouldn’t in a normal condition. Who knows, maybe it would be delicious and I would continue eating it in future.

Who would you not want as your boss?

As an entrepreneur I do not think that I would need a boss. However, if for any reason I chose to have a boss, I would expect him to not force me to do some something that I don’t like.

Name something that makes you crazy

Breaking taboos!

Name a fantasy that you never fulfilled

Have a house in middle of a forest, desert, or at the top of a mountain equipped with state of the art technology and adequate food and drinks. Then, I would work on my novel ideas.