INESC TEC wins Best Paper Award in the area of IT to support education
Álvaro Figueira and Luciana Oliveira, both researchers at INESC TEC’s Centre for Research in Advanced Computing Systems (CRACS), won the best paper award with their article “Social EduBridge - Social Bridging Networks and Learning Management Systems.”
“Professor Luciana and I started developing this system – Social EduBridge – in June of last year. Our hope was to create a 'pilot' for the beginning of the next school year”, Álvaro Figueira stated.
This paper addresses the growing importance of the concept "Social Student Relationship Management" and introduces the Social EduBridge system, whose goal is to integrate the management of Facebook groups in Moodle and provide learning analytics for the two environments.
The award was presented at an international conference held in Rome (Italy) from 21 to 23 April – the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU). The main objective of this conference is to present and discuss the best practices in new learning environments, as well as some case studies on innovative technology-based learning strategies.
The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with UP-FCUP and P.PORTO-ISCAP.