INESC Porto’s innovative software for breast cancer screening
In conjunction with a team from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), INESC Porto has developed software that can automatically analyse mammograms. The process is based on comparing similar cases and the software automatically analyses and validates cases where a breast cancer diagnosis is clear. The project is called Semantic PACS and is an innovative system that is 100% reliable when detecting malignant tumours. It reduces the waiting time for a diagnosis, thus reducing the patient’s emotional stress, and represents a significant advance in the detection of breast cancer.
Youngsters learn to be entrepreneurs at INESC Porto
“Discovering my entrepreneurial side” is the name of the placement offered by INESC Porto in partnership with Ciência Viva. Over the last few years this programme has brought youngsters from secondary schools together bridging the gap between school and the world of business. Over seven days six youngsters from the sixth form were given the opportunity to participate in an intensive work placement at INESC Porto, where they learned how to become entrepreneurs.
From ugly duckling to unmistakable swan
In the 13 years (since 1998 when it was officially established) of the institute, INESC Porto has followed an astonishing path. What was once considered having the status of an ugly duckling is today the strongest component in the INESC world.