
INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Jörg Walther at Odette International.


Hélder Oliveira, Pedro Jorge and Paula Faria

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"At CSIG we have a set of hired staff and infrastructures that make it possible for us to envision the possibility of following up the evolution of prototypes so that we can take them to a next maturing stage and eventually transfer technology." Gabriel David (CSIG)

Free Nonsense

"[The ECOAL project has] allowed me to look at the world of geology from another perspective, and so I’m delighted every time I go back home [to Madeira]," Duarte Viveiros

Gallery of the Uncommon

Zip file

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Gallery of the Uncommon

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” – this is what Einstein said one time as he ate his Cheerio’s for breakfast and read the latest news in BIP. The quote has been misunderstood for years despite the geniality of the German physicist (which is confirmed by his morning readings). But an uncommon thing has happened and the words of the master now make sense again. In a healthy exchange of e-mails between INESC TEC and a renowned American institute, and after we sent a number of files in a zip folder, we received the following reply.

“Thank you, (...). I have never opened up a zip file, so wish me luck.  If I have problems, I will ask my computer support department.”

Do you, reader, find it odd that Valerie [fake name because her real name is Georgina], employee at a renowned America institute, needs us to wish her “good luck” before opening a zip fine for the first time? Do sit down, relax (but keep your eyes open so you can read) and enjoy the help request that Valerie sent to the IT guys:

“Dear Ernie [fictitious nickname because his real name is Nerdy],

Apparently the guys in Portugal sent me a zip file. I thought it was a binder and so when I saw some cables behind the computer I pulled them. And now the screen is saying that I have no Internet connection… I pulled the cables, I didn’t pull any Internet. Do you think maybe the file got stuck on the Internet?

Well, I think we should solve this with cutting edge technology. Do you think we could send Tutu, our carrier pigeon, to Portugal to get the file?

Give it a peck on the beak and wish it good luck. I’m afraid he suffers the same fate as Paquito, the pigeon that never came back from that trip to Canada to get that EXE file.
