
INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Luís Barruncho from CGI.


Bárbara Maia, Marta Barbas, Lídia Vilas Boas, Vanda Ferreira and Pedro Almeida (CM), Mário Rui Pereira (CTM), Luís Filipe Antunes (CRACS), Sérgio Costa (CITE), Héber Sobreira, Elisabete Fernandes e Carlos Costa (CROB), Lino Oliveira (CSIG), Luís Miguel Miranda and João Ramos (CPES)

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"I have always believed – and I still do – that the key to the success of any organisation is the quality of its human resources. And in our service this is no exception.", Inês Castro (CF)

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"Now, Portuguese people, yes come here and listen to me well: I know that you know the basics so why do you have to drive me crazy?", Dario Messina (CESE)

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In fact, the initialism ECMLPKDD2015 is, in itself, a big data problem. For that reason, the organising committee chose it instead of a more pompous name.

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INESC TEC organises international conference on machine learning in Porto

INESC TEC organised, between 7 and 11 September, the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2015), a conference which focuses on the areas of machine learning and data mining. The conference took place at the Alfândega Congress Centre in Porto.

The event welcomed about 600 participants and experts in the areas addressed at the conference. The scientific programme included 34 papers published in the journals Machine Learning and Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, and 131 papers published in three issues of LNCS Springer. For the first time, the ECMLPKDD included an Industrial Track with the publication of papers in the conference proceedings. The programme also included nine plenary sessions with invited speakers, ten tutorials, 12 workshops, two Discovery Challenges, and one PhD session.

The event featured speakers from academia, industry and R&D, from institutions such as the University of Leuven (Belgium), University of Washington, Stanford University, Washington State University (USA) and University of Pisa (Italy), and the companies Baidu Big Data Lab, Netflix, Microsoft Research (USA), Huawei Technologies (China).

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The themes addressed reveal the current trends used for extracting knowledge from data. Mathematical and statistical fundamentals, deep-learning, parallel and distributed computing to analyse large volumes of data, social network analysis, meta-learning and algorithm selection, natural language processing, advanced analysis and learning in temporal data, integration of data analysis in renewable energies, or machine learning in life sciences, were some of the themes addressed during the five-day conference.

The 2015 edition also included the Summer School on Data Sciences for Big Data, which took place at the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto (FCUP). This Summer School was specifically designed for MSc and PhD students, and the goal was to pass on knowledge on innovative data mining techniques using limited computer resources. About 110 researchers participated in the school, organised in collaboration with the University of Dortmund, Germany.

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The INESC TEC researchers responsible for organising the ECML PKDD, the most important event in Europe in the areas of machine learning and data mining, are the following: João Gama, Alípio Jorge, Rita Ribeiro, Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, Carlos Ferreira, João Mendes Moreira, Luís Torgo, Pavel Brazdil, Ricardo Campos, Márcia Oliveira (all from LIAAD), Vítor Santos Costa, João Rodrigues, Sylwia Bugla (researchers at INESC TEC’s Centre for Research in Advanced Computing Systems, CRACS), Jaime Cardoso (Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia, CTM), and Carlos Soares (Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering, CESE).

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partners institutions: UP, UP-FCUP, UP-FEUP, UP-FEP, ISEP-IPP and INESC TEC.