INESC R&D Brazil participates in projects with Chilean universities
In July, INESC R&D Brazil started the project Proyecto MedFasee BT Chile - Observatorio de la Dinámica del Sistema Chileno, developed with Chile’s Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM), Universidad de Atacama (UDA) and Universidad de Concepción (UdeC).
The goal with MedFase is to enable the integration of R&D activities with Chilean universities that will lead to the implementation of a low voltage synchronised phasor measurement prototype. By creating an observatory to assess the dynamics of power systems in South America, it will be possible to monitor the performance of the Chilean power system in a more economic and reliable way.
Besides the system, the project team is developing methodologies and applications that will register and analyse disturbances, estimate the parameters of transmission lines, identify modes of electromechanical oscillation, and validate simulation models in real time. This type of system is being developed in various countries and represents one of the technological pillars for a wide use of the concepts of smart grids.
This project has an estimated duration of one year and will be developed as part of the INESC Brazil Network, involving the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and their Power Systems Planning Laboratory (LabPlan). This work is the direct result of the cooperation agreement established between Brazilian and Chilean institutions in order to broaden the network and benefit from the synergies in the different institutions within the INESC Brazil Network.
The INESC R&D Brazil members involved in this project are Mauro Rosa, Alexandre Rocco, Diego Issicaba and Ildemar Decker.