Lado B

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INESC TEC collaborator in the winning team of the biggest strategy and management competition

Luís Filipe Valente, researcher of INESC TEC’s Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE), coordinates the team that won the Global Marketing Competition, also composed by Maria João Campos and Bruno Silva. They won a EUR 6 000 award and also an MBA for each one of the team members.

Global Marketing Competition is one the biggest competitions in the world in the areas of Management and Supply Chain Finance. This year, it was represented by 89 countries with 5120 participants that were distributed by 2150 teams from 881 of the best universities and business schools in the world.

Luís Filipe Valente is a final-year student of the Integrated Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Bruno Silva is a newly graduated of the Integrated Master in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering of FEUP and Maria João Campos is attending the Integrated Master in Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine (FMUP).

The final stage took place in Madrid, Spain, where the four selected teams were assessed in terms of optimisation and simulation of production processes of a company in the Automobile Industry, in pursuit of the most efficient options.

In order to reach the final of the competition, the team had to play four rounds consisting of seven tests each, which correspond to seven annual decisions inherent to a large automobile manufacturer such as sales, supply chains, purchases, operations or finance.

The competition, which has been going on for 20 years, is supported by Hyundai and by several partners (Santander Bank, ABC journal and the Spanish University ESIC). It is also certified by EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) and by AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).


The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC.


Credits photo: ESIC