Lado B

Don't drop the ball, Bruno Matias!


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Pedro Pires from Loyal Advisory Company.


"It is never enough to stress that the success that INESC TEC’s activity is surrounded with, is mostly, (if not totally) due to the human resources that makes part of it.", Catarina Carvalho (SCOM)

Serious Thinking

«In SAL, we transform Science into protected technological advances.» Daniel Vasconcelos

Gallery of the Uncommon

The visits, which took place at INESC TEC's auditorium A, are constantly disturbed by people...

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


Researcher of INESC TEC visits University of the Basque Country

Between 26 and 29 November, José Creissac Campos, senior researcher of the High Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab) of INESC TEC, and Professor at the University of Minho, visited the Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction for Special Needs that is part of the University of the Basque Country, where he promoted the field of work in formal methods.

The Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction for Special Needs aims to apply new information and communication technologies in order to solve communication and mobility problems of people with disabilities, thus contributing to the increase of their personal autonomy and their integration in employment and in society.

Following the invitation from the Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction for Special Needs to the researcher, the visit took place in order to promote a lecture on “Engineering Safer Interactive Computing Systems”, as well as to lecture a class about “User Interface Modelling and Analysis with the IVY Workbench” to the Master’s Degree in Embedded Systems Engineering.


The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with UMinho.