Spin-off from INESC Porto awarded by the British Ambassador

"Right at the beginning of my career I decided to give back my country’s investment in my education. And the way to do that was not giving in to the temptation of leaving the country", Francisco Araújo

Free Nonsense

"Pointing at my passport, I kept replying in Portuguese, emphasizing that I was Brazilian and, therefore, I spoke Portuguese. However, every time I answered a question, the police officer repeated: «I see», «I understand», «I see»”, Diego Issicaba

Gallery of the Uncommon

INESC Porto has recently reached a new media attention height. Go figure… We were hired by Barack Obama! For us, the sky is the limit!

Have your say

"...my first victory: being awarded with a research grant to come work at the great institution that is INESC Porto", Ana Silva

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...



 Imagem do Destaque

INESC Porto: a worldwide reference in wind power for more than 15 years

In December 2008, the Argonne National Laboratory (Department of Energy - DoE, Government of the United States) selected INESC Porto to support the development of a wind power forecasting platform in the United States. This is the most recent confirmation of INESC Porto’s competences in that sector. The Power Systems Unit has been giving solid and steady steps over the last year, providing consulting services for different countries, such as Brazil, Cape Verde, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria and Venezuela.  Mais...


INESC Porto supports the preservation of cultural heritages


Imagine that you can visit Israel’s Wailing Wall without having to leave your house. Now try to imagine the ruins of the Parthenon in Athens or even our very own Temple of Diana in Évora perfectly restored to their originals. INESC Porto has been playing an imperative role in the rehabilitation, restoration, preservation and dissemination of cultural heritages as is proof the institution’s participation in two important projects –MOSAICA and H-Know.  Mais...


Crisis, Crime and Cribble


"We must understand that an economic crisis is not a disaster, but a moment of judgment - where the competent are separated from the incompetent, the ready from the unready, the flexible from the inflexible, the aerodynamic from the inefficient, the excellent from the mediocre."  Mais...