
Andreia Passos, Ricardo Bessa and Carlos Pinho

Free Nonsense

"(...) and not everyone is lucky enough to start their professional career at INESC Porto, a place with a wonderful work environment and nice people who worry about making sure that everyone’s integration is easy and smooth", Pedro Castanheira

Gallery of the Uncommon

"And now we have discovered something amazing: the famous University of Aveiro used a text included in a 2004 edition of BIP on the project Pêndulo, developed by USIC, as model text in Portuguese language test for University applicants over 23 years of age!"

Have your say

"I am encouraged by the opportunity to contribute to the establishment of a Brazilian company, temporarily called INESC P&D Brasil, which will follow the same philosophy of combining scientific and technological values (...)", Alexandre Rocco

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


IEEE Fellow signs contract with INESC Porto

Dr. Gerald Sheblé, IEEE Fellow since 1996, Erskine Fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, and lecturer in 24 countries outside the United States, signed a contract with the institution on 15 April, in the context of the contracts related to the Statute of Associated laboratory.

Dr. Sheblé will be working at the Power Systems Unit (USE) and will perform tasks regarding the design, execution and coordination of R&D activities, management of R&D teams, scientific supervision and human resources postgraduate training, as well as scientific and technological management, including the proposal and negotiation of contracts. Gerald Sheblé will also be teaching at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) as a part-time Invited Professor.