
Andreia Passos, Ricardo Bessa and Carlos Pinho

Free Nonsense

"(...) and not everyone is lucky enough to start their professional career at INESC Porto, a place with a wonderful work environment and nice people who worry about making sure that everyone’s integration is easy and smooth", Pedro Castanheira

Gallery of the Uncommon

"And now we have discovered something amazing: the famous University of Aveiro used a text included in a 2004 edition of BIP on the project Pêndulo, developed by USIC, as model text in Portuguese language test for University applicants over 23 years of age!"

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"I am encouraged by the opportunity to contribute to the establishment of a Brazilian company, temporarily called INESC P&D Brasil, which will follow the same philosophy of combining scientific and technological values (...)", Alexandre Rocco

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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Spin-off from INESC Porto and FEUP takes WEB Social to primary and junior schools

The project “Escolinhas – Plataforma Colaborativa e Social para Escolas do Ensino Básico 1/2” (Escolinhas – Collaborative and Social Platform for Primary and Junior Schools), coordinated by Ademar Aguiar, reseracher at the Information and Communication Systems Unit (USIC), was presented on 14 May, at the auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).

The Escolinhas platform is for primary and junior schools students and its aim is to promote the use of Information and Communication technologies (TIC) in curricular and extracurricular contexts. This collaborative and social platform was the starting point for a spin-off company launched together by INESC Porto and FEUP to expand the use of the platform. Through the selection of the characteristic functionalities of Web 2.0 –wikis, chats, blogs and social networks – especially adapted to children, students are capable of performing and sharing the work that they do at school or at home with other classmates, or with parents and teachers from the same or from other schools.

The intention is to bring this platform to most schools in the country. Ten schools from several areas in Portugal have already started using the platform. The first prototype was developed in 2007, having been welcomed by the City Hall of Porto and included in the Municipality’s “Crescer Interactivo” (Growing Interactively) programme. The platform is currently available for 8500 children between the ages of 6 and 12, in 62 schools in the Porto area.

Other than Ademar Aguiar, the project’s team also includes Mário Lopes and Nuno Baldaia (former students at FEUP), as well as Ana Ferreira and Ana Carvalho (former students at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Porto - FBAUP).