Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls
In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind. However, we advise the reader to periodically visit and check the section "WORKING WITH US" in the English version. Announcements are updated virtually every day, there.
Call for a Research Grant within "KINETIC" Project, in the area of Interaction Design
INESC Porto is accepting applications to grant fellowships to graduates to work in the Research project "Kinetic", in the following work area: Interaction Design…
Call for a Research Grant within the project "KINETIC" in the area of Computer music
INESC Porto is accepting applications to grant fellowships to graduates to work in the Research project "Kinetic", in the following work area: Computer music, interactive music systems, automatic music generation…
Call for a Research Grant within the "PROLIMB" Project
INESC Porto is accepting applications to award grants to graduates to work in the Research project "Electronic Sensing for the Prophylaxis of Lower Limb Pathologies", in the following work area: Development and test of a system for the digital processing and analysis of signals involved in the lower limbs during gait…
Call for a Research Grant within "REIVE Project
INESC Porto is accepting applications to award a scientific research grant to carry out activities in the research project "Intelligent grids with plugged in electric vehicles", in the following work area: Power electronics…
Call for a Scientific Initiation grant within "REIVE" project
INESC Porto is accepting applications to award a scientific research grant to carry out activities in the research project "Intelligent grids with plugged in electric vehicles"…
Call for a Research Grant within "WOWI" Project
INESC Porto is accepting applications to award grants to graduates to work in the Research project "Wireless-optical-wireless interfaces for picocellular access networks", in the following work area: Wireless and Optical Communications…