
Ricardo Campos, André Madureira, Rui Barros, Lia Patrício, Ricardo Bessa e Flávia Ferreira

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"It is a privilege to be able to continue my relationship with INESC TEC as a post-doc at HASLab, not only because of the multidisciplinary nature of the INESC TEC universe, but also because it is known as a pipeline for technology transfer.", Miguel Matos (HASLab)

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"Since I am not Portuguese I had to do a brief literature review (I hope the BIP editors are not very strict on these issues) to find out what an “asneira” is.", Edgar Jimenez (UESP)

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INESC TEC researcher wins IEEE award

Bruno Ferreira, a researcher at INESC TEC’s Robotics and Intelligent Systems Unit (ROBIS), received an award in the form of a Grant from the Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) do IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

This merit scholarship aims at awarding students with innovative work in the area of oceanic robotics or related areas. MARES and TriMARES (winner of the Innovation Award of the Exame Informática), two success cases at INESC TEC, are just some examples of projects in which the ROBIS researcher was involved.

Bruno Ferreira is currently completing his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), under the supervision of Aníbal Matos, researcher at INESC TEC and professor at FEUP.

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institutions: INESC Porto, FEUP.