
INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by João Pereira do Carmo at European Space Agency


Diogo Varajão, Luís Guimarães and Rita Ribeiro

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"INESC TEC is a family where I found cooperation is the key to everything.", Dewan Fayzur (CPES)

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"I will continue following INESC TEC closely and celebrating future successes. Part of me will always be inesquian!" (Joana Ferreira, SCOM)

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“Its it a bird? Is it a plane?” No. It’s INESC TEC’s new wind turbine!

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Kinematix creates wearable technology for the O&P sector

Kinematix, an INESC TEC/FEUP spin-off, today announced ORTHOMONiTOR, a wearable sensing device that can be embedded in orthotics and prosthetics to measure wear-time compliance and provide evidence of clinical efficacy. Combining sensor technologies, wireless communication and user-friendly apps & reporting, the aim of ORTHOMONiTOR is to increase patient engagement and shorten treatment cycles.

ORTHOMONiTOR continuously analyses and reports activity including strides, cadence and periods of use and provides evidence not just if a corrective orthotic is being used, but how it is being used. ORTHOMONiTOR’s evidence-based approach offers new options and insights to the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, stroke rehabilitation and other posture and mobility disorders.

“ORTHOMONiTOR goes beyond the clinician visit care and provides continuous user friendly guidance and feedback”, said Dr. Miguel Oliveira, Chief Scientific Officer at Kinematix. Moreover, "ORTHOMONiTOR supports treatment guidance and increases self-management, encouraging individuals to actively participate in their own care”.

According to Joseph Ternullo, JD, MPH, President of Kinematix US operations in Cambridge, MA, “ORTHOMONiTOR paves the way for a new generation of ‘smart’ orthotics and prosthetics and joins the family of Kinematix products that we believe will contribute to an improved treatment of mobility related conditions.”

Kinematix was incubated in 2007 by INESC Porto and FEUP, and created as part of the MIETE – Master in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship, which is the result of a partnership between the Faculties of Engineering and Economics of the University of Porto (FEUP and FEP). The company develops intelligent devices that make it possible to extract knowledge about the patients’ movement and posture, so as to improve human function. Located in Portugal, Kinematix already has branch offices in the United States and in the United Kingdom, as well as an office in the Netherlands.