
INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Luís Marinho Dias at APDL.


Filipe Neves dos Santos (CRIIS), Joana Coelho (SCOM), Mário Amorim Lopes (CEGI) and Renata Rodrigues (CTM).

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Two INESC TEC researchers receive award for Best Pitch

Sofia Cruz Gomes (Centre for industrial Engineering and Management) and Dario Messina (Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering), researchers at INESC TEC, received the award for Best Pitch at the 8th Industrial Engineering and Management Symposium (IEMS ’17).

The pitches, which focused on the research of the two PhD students, should represent the three main items of the paper submitted to the event: challenge, methodology and value for society. Sofia Gomes’s pitch was in the field of health and the goal of her work is to estimate the workforce of the Portuguese Health System. The pitch presented by researcher Dario Messina focused on the supply chain of the aeronautics industry and the goal of his work is to manage information to mitigate risk.


The IEMS takes place annually and is promoted by the University of Porto’s Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. The goal if this event is to disseminate the impact of research on society.

The event brings together PhD students, professors, researchers and companies who can share ideas, present their work, get some feedback, and discuss possible collaborations.

The symposium took place on 5 January at Ateneu Comercial do Porto.


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC  and FEUP-UP.