Lado B

INESC TEC Jazz Band celebrated, on 6 February, five years of existence. CONGRATULATIONS!


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Silos de Leixões, by the voice of Nuno Fernandes.


"INESC TEC gave me time, room and the possibility to grow in a sustainable manner as a professional.", Hugo Choupina (C-BER)

Free Nonsense

"My warmest congratulations to those who came up with the tickets' idea and to everyone who are a part of it!", Patrícia Gonçalves (LIAAD)

Gallery of the Uncommon

Miguel starts to listen the bubble water and soon after he smells the wet ground. Then he ear cries for help...

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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Free Nonsense

Ticket for recycling the action of punching the time card

By Patrícia Gonçalves *


I have been in INESC TEC for a year and a half. At first, I was amazed at the institute’s operation! From sending tickets, WHICH ACTUALLY WORK, to not punching the time card. Everything seemed perfect!

I “bothered” several times Mr. Manuel to fix things and everything was done very quickly! My warmest congratulations to those who came up with the ticket's idea and to everyone who are a part of it. 

In my opinion, not punching the time card was the ex-libris of INESC TEC! “Finnally, I come across an institution that understands that there is no need in having a fixed time schedule to researchers”, that is what I thought and I boast about that to all my friends because I was so proud of belonging to such institution! Sadly, it was just a flash in the pan… A couple of months ago I was forced to punch my time card… I must admit that I was very disappointed… :( Anyway, we should leave that to another time…

The only aspect I did not appreciate when I arrived at INESC TEC was the lack of sorting waste bins! I was one (of many) that opened tickets to try to raise the recycling issue and to put pressure so that the waste bins were placed throughout the building. Sorry but I just don’t get people who don’t recycle… It’s a simple way to counterbalance the pollution we do to our Planet! Don’t fool yourself by considering “Planet” as that conventional blue and white sphere which is isolated in space – NO! If you get the magnifying glass and look to that sphere, you will see that OUR PLANET is a complex system of which WE BELONG! If you don’t want to be good to the PLANET, at least be good to yourself and to those who are close to you. 

*take a deep breath*

Now that I’ve scolded you, I have to apologise and show you that I am not a bad person. Instead of preaching at you about the environment, I rather do this with humour. I hung on the kitchen wall of the second floor this picture so everyone who recycles remember:


I believe that humor helps. This short article was not enough to achieve a properly dispose of trash, but it helped. Maybe I need a different text… I am opened to suggestions. Thank you.



* Collaborator at the Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Laboratory (LIAAD)