Lado B



INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Carlos Sampaio of Elergone.


" is with great pride that we receive these words and that we see our work being recognised. Additionally, it is an extra motivation." Inês, José Pedro, Luís and Tiago (CTM)

Serious Thinking

"This initiative can’t be confined to the governmental action and will only have significant results if it is able to mobilise companies as well as public and private actors.", Pedro Guedes de Oliveira

Gallery of the Uncommon

After naming robots like Eva and Mara (long live gender equality!), it was time for an autonomous female robot that explores flooded mines to show up...Her name is Nata.

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


INESC TEC shares knowledge at the Open Day of Telecommunications and Multimedia

Four days of events, four workshops with different themes, one final contest and several awards. This was the proposal of this year's Open Day of INESC TEC's Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM), which was held between 18 and 21 March and had the presence of more than one hundred participants. 

In this edition, INESC TEC invited students who were interested in topics such as machine learning, wireless communication networks, creative music and wireless power in order to update their knowledge in four workshops with three hours each.

Open Day CTM

The participants had the opportunity to get more information about learning and intelligence applied to computer vision. They also learned how to configure a Wi-Fi network, to design electronic modules and to test coupling coils in underwater scenarios. The students also tested their knowledge in terms of the automation of musical systems.

In the last day of the event there was a Final Contest comprising four subchallenges under the theme of each workshop and in which every member of the winning team received a EUR 50 award.

Open Day CTM

Jaime Cardoso, coordinator of the Centre, was responsible for closing the session of the Open Day of CTM. The Open Day was organised by Inês Carvalho, André Coelho, José Pedro Pinto, Pedro Ferreira and Vasco Correia.


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.