Lado B



INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Carlos Sampaio of Elergone.


" is with great pride that we receive these words and that we see our work being recognised. Additionally, it is an extra motivation." Inês, José Pedro, Luís and Tiago (CTM)

Serious Thinking

"This initiative can’t be confined to the governmental action and will only have significant results if it is able to mobilise companies as well as public and private actors.", Pedro Guedes de Oliveira

Gallery of the Uncommon

After naming robots like Eva and Mara (long live gender equality!), it was time for an autonomous female robot that explores flooded mines to show up...Her name is Nata.

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


Company CLEARSY visits INESC TEC

Thierry Lecomte, R&D projects Director at CLEARSY Systems Engineering, visited INESC TEC’s High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), in Braga, and also the Institute’s headquarters, in Porto, between 6 and 7 March.

CLEARSY Systems Engineering is a company in the area of the application of formal methods to safety critical systems, especially in autonomous railway vehicles. Its solutions are based on certified hardware and verified software by using the B-mode formal method, which is used on the specification and development of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

On the first day, Thierry Lecomte's visit was marked by a hands-on workshop entitled "Safety Critical Application Development with Secure Hardware and Formal Methods", at HASLab, where the CLEARSY Safety Platform was presented. It is a platform that intends to facilitate the development and the implementation of safety critical applications. All participants had the opportunity to try out the hardware and to practice in the development environment. In the end, Thierry Lecomte also visited the research teams of HASLab.

During his visit to INESC TEC, in Porto, which was held on 7 March, Thierry Lecomte gave a lecture on “Formal Methods Software Development and Safety Critical Systems”, which was attended by several researchers from the institution. Next, he also proceed to visit some of INESC TEC'S research centres.