
Tânia Leandro and Teresa Raposo Antunes (DIL), Rui Barros (USIC)

Free Nonsense

"My cousin told me that, after a few months, the “short” 45-minute trip would become a daily challenge for me. At the time, it was hard for me to believe that, but today I partly agree with his point of view...", Daniel Delgado

Gallery of the Uncommon

Who knows if we can now start working in the science of the teeth, prostheses and implants? And there are several types of implants...

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"(...) I was positively surprised by what Portugal was doing in terms of research and innovation. I discovered in Porto that it is possible to achieve excellent results in a “stressless” way, in an environment where human relations are fostered.", Jean Akilimali

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


Gallery of the Uncommon

Speaking of implants …

It is with great pride that we realise that INESC Porto’s competences are acknowledged more and more each day. Other than working in several areas, such as Power, Telecommunications, Optoelectronics, Information and Manufacturing Systems, we have now gotten to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. We also have some projects and applications in the field of medicine, and yet the dental area is still fairly new to us.

Thus, it was with some surprise that we received an unexpected email from a Brazilian expert:

“Are you interested in welcoming someone in the dental area, specifically in the fields of prostheses and implants? Sincerely, Renato S. Nishioka, DDS, MS, PhD Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodontics Chairman of Implants, Chairman of Prosthodontics Crown and Fixed Bridge”.

We are experienced in the application of Bragg sensors in hip prostheses. Who knows if we can now start working in the science of the teeth, prostheses and implants... Uncommon, and yet it makes us wonder...

And speaking of implants, although implants of other kind, one of our researchers went to Romania and was caught by surprise when he asked at the hotel reception where the Conference Centre was. The receptionist gave him a map that was at least original: just like that, the map indicated the most popular “massage” centres in the Romanian capital. And in the back of the map, there were several ads for beautiful and, let’s say, explicit ladies wearing few clothes, with lots of availability and obviously gifted with some large non-dental implants. 

PS. BIP can confirm that the lecture effectively took place. The map was good, really...