
Tânia Leandro and Teresa Raposo Antunes (DIL), Rui Barros (USIC)

Free Nonsense

"My cousin told me that, after a few months, the “short” 45-minute trip would become a daily challenge for me. At the time, it was hard for me to believe that, but today I partly agree with his point of view...", Daniel Delgado

Gallery of the Uncommon

Who knows if we can now start working in the science of the teeth, prostheses and implants? And there are several types of implants...

Have your say

"(...) I was positively surprised by what Portugal was doing in terms of research and innovation. I discovered in Porto that it is possible to achieve excellent results in a “stressless” way, in an environment where human relations are fostered.", Jean Akilimali

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


Researcher from CRACS visits the Texas Advanced Computing Center

Inês Dutra, researcher at the Center for Research in Advanced Computing Systems (CRACS), visited the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TAAC), in Austin (USA), last August, in the context of the Colab programme, in collaboration with the Portuguese Government and the University of Texas.

Several people were involved in this visit, including the Deputy Director of TACC, Dan Stanzione, as well as Kent Milfeld and Lars Koersteke of the “Performance and Optimization Group”.

The aim with this visit was to allow participants to learn how to use the ranger machine and tools as compilers, profiling, and depuration tools. Furthermore, the visit provided the opportunity for the establishment of a joint project between elements from CRACS and TACC. CRACS will be submitting an additional application to National Science Foundation (NSF) projects, already enforced at TACC. During the next year, CRACS intends to propose a new project on data mining in high performance computation environments, such as medical and agricultural data.

This visit, as well as Inês Dutra and Vítor Santos Costa’s visit to UW-Madison in July, August and September, were particularly important for CRACS to promote its internationalisation, find new partnerships and funding for projects, as well as to promote knowledge and student exchange.