
Mauro Rosa, Augustin Olivier and Aníbal Matos

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"The clock is ticking and others in the world are not only ahead of us but moving faster. This is an opportunity that INESC Porto and the University of Porto should not miss if they want to be on the map", Ricardo Morla

Free Nonsense

"After several sleepless nights, I decided to demystify a theme that the media haven’t really been paying enough attention: Influenza A Virus", Nelson Rodrigues

Gallery of the Uncommon

“Similarly to what happened with the Portuguese Budget a few years, the answer to the mystery that took INESC Porto by surprise this Christmas was… cheese! Who would have thought?”

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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Researcher from UGEI awarded by IBM

João Falcão e Cunha, researcher at the Industrial Management and Engineering Unit (UGEI) and professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), received the “Faculty Awards” from IBM on 2 November 2009.

João Falcão e Cunha received this award for his pioneering teaching contribution related to Service Science, Management and Engineering (or SSME), which promotes the combination of several scientific components, with the areas of services, engineering and management as fundamental pillars.

It is important to remember that FEUP introduced, in June 2007, the Master’s Degree in Services Engineering and Management (MESG). The project, pioneer in Portugal, rapidly became an important reference for its quality, international dissemination and promoted know-how, which also motivated the international acknowledgement by IBM.

The award ceremony took place in Lisbon and it was presided by José Joaquim de Oliveira, President of IBM Portugal. The following people were also present at the ceremony: Marques dos Santos, Dean of the University of Porto, Carlos Costa, Director of FEUP, José António Sarsfield Cabral, Director of the Department of Industrial Management and Engineering of FEUP and João Falcão e Cunha, Director of MESG.