
Mauro Rosa, Augustin Olivier and Aníbal Matos

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"The clock is ticking and others in the world are not only ahead of us but moving faster. This is an opportunity that INESC Porto and the University of Porto should not miss if they want to be on the map", Ricardo Morla

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"After several sleepless nights, I decided to demystify a theme that the media haven’t really been paying enough attention: Influenza A Virus", Nelson Rodrigues

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“Similarly to what happened with the Portuguese Budget a few years, the answer to the mystery that took INESC Porto by surprise this Christmas was… cheese! Who would have thought?”

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UOSE participates in several COST Action meetings and international conferences

The Optoelectronics and Electronic Systems Unit (UOSE) has been participating in several COST Action meetings (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) and in international conferences in order to promote the research work carried out at the Unit, as well as new partnerships. The COST Action constitutes an intergovernmental framework for European cooperation in science and technology that helps reduce the fragmentation of investments used in research at a European level, promoting its dissemination around the world.

One of the first meetings that UOSE participated in took place on 3 and 4 September in Lausanne, Switzerland. UOSE was represented by researcher Pedro Jorge, member of the Management Committee of the MP0803 COST Action: Plasmonic components & devices. At the meeting, the researcher had the opportunity to contact with the Plasmonics community in order to promote future partnerships. At the moment, the Action is inventorying the competences of the partners for FP7 projects.

The COST 299: Optical Fibres for New Challenges Facing the Information Society took place in the second week of September, in Wroclaw, Poland. INESC Porto participated with an oral presentation on new interferometers based on photonic crystal fibres and another on the COST Action submitted in October in the area of Green Fibers. At this meeting, INESC Porto was represented by researchers José Luís Santos, Orlando Frazão and José Manuel Baptista.

On 16 and 17 September, the first technical meeting and the meeting of the Management Committee of the IC0806 COST Action: IntelliCIS – Intelligent Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems took place in Limassol, Cyprus, where UOSE was represented by Ireneu Dias.

At the 20th Optical Fiber Sensors Conference, which took place between 5 and 9 October in Edinburgh, Scotland, UOSE participated with ten articles in poster format and an oral presentation. The European Workshop on Optical Fibres (EWOFS) was mentioned at the end of the conference. This event will be organised by UOSE/INESC Porto and it will take place between 8 and 10 September 2010 in Portugal.

Lastly, the SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, promoted by the Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society, took place in Belém, Brazil, between 3 and 6 November. José Luís Santos participated in this conference with an invited presentation entitled “Optical Fibre Sensing Networks”. He was also chair, together with Ireneu Dias, in the conference sessions. The presence of all partners in the collaboration project “AMBISENSE – Remote monitoring of environmental parameters through optical fibre sensors” was an opportunity to hold the first project meeting and to program the activities for the first year.