Lado B

Playing with dolls.


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by MOG Tecnologies, by the voice of Alexandre Ulisses.


"This is a very rewarding work because I can not only teach but also learn from them.", João Paulo (HASLab)

Serious Thinking

"I’ve always liked to travel by train and usually my train trips always end well.", Filipe Penicheiro (CSIG)

Gallery of the Uncommon

INESC TEC has a cosmetic field Institute for Embellisment, Skincare and Contouring,Tonification, Epilation and Cavitation.

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...

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Gallery of the Uncommon

Anything the client wants, INESC TEC can provide it


As you can imagine, INESC TEC receives dozens of daily e-mails. There are interesting requests, which can result in partnerships or services contract. But there are also spam or even unreal gems like this one:

Good afternoon, my name is Mr. Crazy Smith (fictitious name) and I wish to start a cosmetic and pharmaceuticals business. I’m looking for suppliers that can build up a production plant occupying 900 square meters. Please e-mail me the budget information. Sincerely, Crazy.


We all know that INESC TEC can’t do this.


Luckily, INESC TEC has a cosmetic field

Institute for Embellisment, Skincare and Contouring,Tonification, Epilation and Cavitation


On the other hand, INESC TEC also has a construction field

Institute for Entablature, Stile, Concrete, Trim, Evaporator Coil


We need to help Mr. Crazy, of course. (Never say no to a client). Our problem is to unravel the context: can you make your best guesses?

This wasn’t the first time: it can be achievable.   [Oops... INESC TEC...?]