Lado B

Playing with dolls.


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by MOG Tecnologies, by the voice of Alexandre Ulisses.


"This is a very rewarding work because I can not only teach but also learn from them.", João Paulo (HASLab)

Serious Thinking

"I’ve always liked to travel by train and usually my train trips always end well.", Filipe Penicheiro (CSIG)

Gallery of the Uncommon

INESC TEC has a cosmetic field Institute for Embellisment, Skincare and Contouring,Tonification, Epilation and Cavitation.

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Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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INESC R&D Brazil has two more associated universities

The Ordinary General Meeting of INESC R&D Brazil took place on 7 March at the Central Library Auditorium of the Federal University of Santa Maria. CEOs of IB, researchers, Mautone Advocacia’s representatives and voters of associated and founders IB institutions participated in this meeting. Particularly, Helio Leães Hey (Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM), Sebastião R. Soares (Federal University of Santa Maria) and José Manuel Mendonça (INESC TEC).

During the meeting it was possible to highlight the positive outcome of IB management model on Brazilian universities, and the international projects participation. It was also discussed some details about legal, academic, image and financial management. The meeting members congratulated the Board and the Supervisory Board on their developed work during 2016-2018, especially Paulo Nepumoceno Garcia, which is now part of the Board of Ethics, incorporating the Supervisory Board. Hélio Hey of UFSM will replace Paulo Nepumoceno Garcia.

It was also addressed the fact that two more universities were included as IB members: the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and Maranhão Federal University.

The event was also intended to determine the Board re-election until 2020, which is now coordinated by Vladmiro Miranda (CEO), Alexandre Rocco (Executive Director) and Mauro Rosa (Science and Technology Director). The 2017 accounts were approved and the business plan for 2018 was endorsed.


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.