Lado B

Playing with dolls.


INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by MOG Tecnologies, by the voice of Alexandre Ulisses.


"This is a very rewarding work because I can not only teach but also learn from them.", João Paulo (HASLab)

Serious Thinking

"I’ve always liked to travel by train and usually my train trips always end well.", Filipe Penicheiro (CSIG)

Gallery of the Uncommon

INESC TEC has a cosmetic field Institute for Embellisment, Skincare and Contouring,Tonification, Epilation and Cavitation.

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...

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INESC TEC reaches the international competition final to explore the deep sea

An INESC TEC research team advanced to the final round of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPrize’s international competition. The team aimed to develop technologies in order to collect data and to map the deep sea in difficult access areas that are yet to be explored. The project was awarded €90 000 ($111 000), acknowledged by the project leader on 15 March.   Mais...


From the idea to the patent


The enhancement and transfer of technology have been one of INESC TEC’s intervention priorities over the last few years. The establishment of the INESC TEC’s Technology Licensing Office (SAL) in 2014 was crucial to the real progress in the protection of the intellectual property created in the institute.  Mais...


Move forward and don't be frozen in time


The scientific research grant is important in all developed countries as it is seen as a period of personal development and training or as a temporary status of financial support in transitional situations (such as visitors from third party institutions). It's a win-win situation (...)  Mais...