
"...INESC Porto has all the ingredients to a successful recipe in the career of any researcher: reputed people and projects with strong impact and visibility." Carlos Tavares

Free Nonsense

"The opportunity to come to INESC Porto as a trainee in the area of Accounting and Finances was the best thing that could happen..." Magna Ribeiro

Gallery of the Uncommon

Meet the model of INESC Porto’s autumn-winter collection 2008...

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"Strange as it may sound, debugging a compiler may be a pleasant experience like building a bathroom without breaking the marble or changing a flat tire...", Vítor Santos Costa

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


INESC Porto’s Collaborators awarded by FEUP

The commemoration of FEUP’s 82nd anniversary was marked by the acknowledgement of the excellent work carried out by some of the faculty’s members. It was with great pride that BIP discovered that 17 researchers from INESC Porto were awarded on this day ("Dia da FEUP"), among which, Pedro Guedes de Oliveira, former president of INESC Porto and current adviser of the Board, Vladimiro Miranda, one of INESC Porto’s directors, and Manuel Matos, coordinator of the Power Systems Unit (USE).

According to the institution, the aim with this acknowledgement is to strengthen the feeling of belonging among all members of the academic community – students, teaching and non-teaching staff, alumni, former members of the staff and companies with which the faculty has a closer relationship.

Besides the public acknowledgement of the companies with which FEUP collaborates, for the first time there was also a prize to encourage research (patent submittal or article publication in scientific articles) among researchers and professors.

The non-teaching staff with the best performance results in 2007 were also awarded, and homage was paid to the teaching and non-teaching staff retired since 1 January 2007.

The professors with the best results on the 2007 Education Survey (Inquéritos Pedagógicos) were also awarded. Merit scholarships were also given to the best students, as well as the Industry Awards and the PhD diplomas.

List INESC Porto’s awarded collaborators

António Augusto Sousa
António Lucas Soares
António Miguel Gomes
Cláudio Domingos Monteiro
Isabel Cristina Ribeiro
Jaime dos Santos Cardoso
João Paulo Tomé Saraiva
José Soeiro Ferreira
José Fernando Oliveira
Manuel Pereira Ricardo
Manuel António Matos
Maria Antónia Carravilla
Miguel Velhote Correia
Pedro Guedes de Oliveira
Sílvio Abrantes Moreira
Vítor Grade Tavares
Vladimiro Pinto de Miranda