
"...INESC Porto has all the ingredients to a successful recipe in the career of any researcher: reputed people and projects with strong impact and visibility." Carlos Tavares

Free Nonsense

"The opportunity to come to INESC Porto as a trainee in the area of Accounting and Finances was the best thing that could happen..." Magna Ribeiro

Gallery of the Uncommon

Meet the model of INESC Porto’s autumn-winter collection 2008...

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"Strange as it may sound, debugging a compiler may be a pleasant experience like building a bathroom without breaking the marble or changing a flat tire...", Vítor Santos Costa

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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UESP starts working on H-Know European project

The project H-KNOW - Advanced Infrastructure for Knowledge Based Services for Buildings Restoring (NMP-2007-214567) started being developed on 1 January 2009.

H-Know (“Heritage-Knowledge”) is a European management project in the area of construction rehabilitation, restoration and maintenance. The project entails research and development work that will be carried out in two specific areas: management of collaborative networks in SMEs and the management of knowledge and learning. The project will last three years under the coordination of the Fundación Santa Maria La Real. The consortium that will participate in this project is set up by research centres and companies in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Germany. Other than INESC Porto, the Portuguese partners include FEUP (DEM), Vortal, STB and 3M2P.

Targeting mainly Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) specialising in construction rehabilitation, restoration and maintenance, it is expected that the project’s results will help companies overcome one of the most important problems that they are currently facing: the increasingly complex construction rehabilitation, restoration and maintenance projects.  On one hand, this requires a high level of cooperation and collaboration – materialised in strategies, resource sharing and process coordination. On the other hand, it requires a higher degree of innovation in products and construction rehabilitation, restoration and maintenance processes, promoted in particular by an increasing knowledge exchange between companies and research centres.

The specific contribution of INESC Porto/Manufacturing Systems Engineering Unit (UESP) is the result of its competences in the design, evaluation and management of collaborative networks and, most specifically, in the social-semantic areas in collaborative networks, the social and technical models to study these networks, specification and creation of semantic-based systems and enterprise content management (ECM).  H-Know will surely contribute to the consolidation of INESC Porto’s position as an expert in collaborative networks, particularly with companies and associations in the construction sector. INESC Porto’s team will be coordinated by António Lucas Soares.