
“Competitiveness, Innovation and Knowledge” Team and Pedro Barreiro

Free Nonsense

We live in a world where technology plays a major role. Many people assume that any technological breakthrough will be immediately accepted and welcomed by society. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is just not true...", Bruno Santos

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“I am a fan of the “Show & Tell” meetings(...). The aim is to promote the formation of groups in the area of “Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, study key models in this area and promote team spirit. Therefore, the event has real potential for a group of researchers...", José Pedro Rodrigues

Gallery of the Uncommon

Vanity: It is a sin for some, for others it is temptation but it is a true passion for one particular Inesquian.

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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Gallery of the Uncommon

Beauty that will sweep you off your feet

Vanity: It is a sin for some, for others it is temptation but it is a true passion for one particular Inesquian.

If someone were to install a camera in one of the lifts, could we make our own version of INESC “You’ve been framed”? Yes, you’re wrong if you think you’re safe from the cameras in the lift!

Even those who try to express their vanity in secret leave evidence behind. There is no better proof of healthy levels of self-esteem than a lipstick mark on the mirror in the lift: “I simply can’t resist my own beauty. I know it’s wrong but it’s so good!” See the photographic evidence for yourselves from one of our lifts; caught on camera by our discreet photographer.

Was the only way to stop this behaviour to write “OUT OF ORDER” on various post-its next to the lift? Is there no better, cheaper or more efficient way of passing on the message?


But the INESC lift was not the only victim of Inesquian radiance. It has been said that a certain Professor, on his return from an exotic holiday, merely had time to reveal his dazzling tan when one of his students fainted, supposedly blinded by his glory. Si non è vero... Unfortunately the photographic evidence is unavailable in this case– some say we used up the camera´s memory taking photos of ourselves. Who knows…?