
“Competitiveness, Innovation and Knowledge” Team and Pedro Barreiro

Free Nonsense

We live in a world where technology plays a major role. Many people assume that any technological breakthrough will be immediately accepted and welcomed by society. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is just not true...", Bruno Santos

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“I am a fan of the “Show & Tell” meetings(...). The aim is to promote the formation of groups in the area of “Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, study key models in this area and promote team spirit. Therefore, the event has real potential for a group of researchers...", José Pedro Rodrigues

Gallery of the Uncommon

Vanity: It is a sin for some, for others it is temptation but it is a true passion for one particular Inesquian.

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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INESC TEC organises "BEST Summer School 2011"

In conjunction with the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST), the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) at INESC Porto, the coordinating entity of INESC TEC Associate Laboratory, organised the "BEST Summer School 2011" that took place between 30th August and 13th September at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).

The title of the event was “Music and Technology: Loud and Clear!” and was aimed at young people interested in music and technology. During the summer school, the participants had the opportunity to experience a wide range of musical activities with technology. The participants were invited to develop technological, artisanal or hybrid musical instruments to promote musical creativity. The summer school organisers received 200 applications from which 22 candidates were selected from 18 different countries.

Over the 15 days of training, the participants also had the opportunity to learn about modern concepts such as musical information retrieval, computer vision and DIY musical programming. This was accompanied by a practical component with performances and musical exploration. In addition to the academic focus of this event, the participants also had the opportunity to explore the city of Porto.