
“Competitiveness, Innovation and Knowledge” Team and Pedro Barreiro

Free Nonsense

We live in a world where technology plays a major role. Many people assume that any technological breakthrough will be immediately accepted and welcomed by society. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is just not true...", Bruno Santos

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“I am a fan of the “Show & Tell” meetings(...). The aim is to promote the formation of groups in the area of “Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, study key models in this area and promote team spirit. Therefore, the event has real potential for a group of researchers...", José Pedro Rodrigues

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Vanity: It is a sin for some, for others it is temptation but it is a true passion for one particular Inesquian.

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CRACS/INESC TEC team comes 6th in Assemblathon

A team from the Center for Research in Advanced Computing Systems (INESC TEC/CRACS) came 6th in the first edition of the Assemblathon, an international competition where participants have to assemble a genome.

Assemblathon challenges participants to assemble a full genome from the multitude of short, overlapping snippets that second and third generation sequencing machines churn out.

The aim of this competition is to evaluate and encourage the development of computational genome assembly methods. Seventeen teams from laboratories and universities from seven countries (USA, China, the U.K., France, Portugal, Canada and Singapore) took part in this edition.

The results of the first edition of the Assemblathon were presented in an article published in Genome Research.