
“Competitiveness, Innovation and Knowledge” Team and Pedro Barreiro

Free Nonsense

We live in a world where technology plays a major role. Many people assume that any technological breakthrough will be immediately accepted and welcomed by society. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is just not true...", Bruno Santos

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“I am a fan of the “Show & Tell” meetings(...). The aim is to promote the formation of groups in the area of “Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, study key models in this area and promote team spirit. Therefore, the event has real potential for a group of researchers...", José Pedro Rodrigues

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Vanity: It is a sin for some, for others it is temptation but it is a true passion for one particular Inesquian.

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


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First public presentation of project MOBILES

The first public presentation of project MOBILES (Sustained Electric MOBILity) took place on 22nd September at CEIIA-TecMaia and included a live demonstration of the technology and a test drive of an electric vehicle.

The event included presentations from a number of the project partners: Carlos Pinho represented INESC Porto, the coordinating authority of INESC TEC Associate Laboratory, Filipe Carreiro and Hugo Barrote represented NDrive Navigation and Pedro Neves represented CEIIA (the Centre for Excellence and Innovation in the automobile Industry).

Project MOBILES has three components: an Internet platform, NDrive GPS navigation software and a new application for the Android Smartphone. These will all be linked to the infrastructure of the charging points.

The aim of these tools is to make electric vehicle driver’s lives simpler. When on the road, the driver can be informed of the closest charging point that is within the battery’s range, they can also find out if the charging point is free and they can import predefined routes.

Researchers from the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) and the Information and Computer Graphics Systems Unit (USIG) represent INESC Porto, the coordinating authority of INESC TEC Associate Laboratory, in project MOBILES, illustrating another example of the institute’s policy of multidisciplinarity.

More information about project MOBILES