Lado B



INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Jasil, by the voice of Luís Oliveira.


"It is with great enthusiasm and satisfaction that we see our work being recognised. Because afterall, the effort is always worth it!", Catarina, Paula e Lídia (HASLab)

Free Nonsense

"In order not to break any tradition, the guzzles are extremely important as some of the guzzlers that already left INESC TEC to pursue their professional careers still join us (...)", Fábio Coelho (HASLab)

Gallery of the Uncommon

The Hiking of INESC TEC to Sistelo will be remembered not just for being the first, but also for the funny episodes that we lived.

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


Gallery of the Uncommon

Digital Portugal


The Hiking of INESC TEC to Sistelo will be remembered not just for being the first, but also for the funny episodes that we lived. From shoe soles coming off, making it seem like the shoes were hungry, to creepy dolls being hung in the doors in order to frighten the bad luck away. It was so exciting!


But the activity went really well. The collaborators were relaxed and excited, in a completely different way from their routines at INESC TEC. The expectations were high because most people didn’t know the location, but they knew it was a popular place.

This is true because a few days before the hiking, a news from the Portuguese newspaper Público with the title“Sistelo: the village which is now a monument is busy with tourist invasion” was released. And in fact, during the hiking we met several tourists, most of them were foreigners, who were thrilled to explore one of the most beautiful villages of Portugal. It’s no coincidence that is called the Portuguese Tibete! 

At some point, a few members of the INESC TEC group met a person from Sistelo that used an ox plough. They thought of photographing that picturesque image, but hesitated. It’s annoying how people is always being photographed...What about the right to privacy? They can be offended.

While the group was considering whether or not to take a picture, that person from Sistelo didn’t hesitate. He pulled out his high-end smartphone and click! “This picture is going straight to Facebook”, he said. “Then we are the exotic ones, is that it? "someone said.

Honestly, the worst that could happen was the ox taking the selfie... 
