Lado B



INESC TEC, in the words of our partners – Statement by Jasil, by the voice of Luís Oliveira.


"It is with great enthusiasm and satisfaction that we see our work being recognised. Because afterall, the effort is always worth it!", Catarina, Paula e Lídia (HASLab)

Free Nonsense

"In order not to break any tradition, the guzzles are extremely important as some of the guzzlers that already left INESC TEC to pursue their professional careers still join us (...)", Fábio Coelho (HASLab)

Gallery of the Uncommon

The Hiking of INESC TEC to Sistelo will be remembered not just for being the first, but also for the funny episodes that we lived.

Where are you now?

Every month INESC TEC sends highly qualified individuals into the market...

Jobs 4 the Boys & Girls

In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC TEC offering grants, contracts and other opportunities of the same kind.


More scenes of how life goes merrily on...


JEFFA organised in collaboration with INESC TEC

INESC TEC's Centre for Applied Photonics (CAP) organised the third conference days on Engineering Physics and Astronomy in collaboration with the Physics and Astronomy Department (DFA) of the University of Porto (FCUP), which took place on 18 May at FCUP. Orlando Frazão (CAP, INESC TEC) and André Pereira (DFA) were the chairs of the event.

This year, two round-table sessions related to employability and entrepreneurship stood out in which was discussed topics related to different professional alternatives of being a Physic, an Engineer or an Astronomer or on how a scientist can become an entrepreneur, respectively. Among the guests were industry, academia, technology transfer centres and research institutes figures as well as startups responsible from FCUP that revealed their career paths.

The conferences were complemented by the presentation of works from PhD students and PhD researchers of the different centres as well as presentations of Master students.

This year, INESC TEC had three of their researchers and PhD students, giving oral presentations on their papers, namely Joana Paiva from CBER - Centre for Biomedical Engineering Research (“A Novel Sensing Method for Microparticles Detection through Fiber Trapping and Back-Scattered Signal Analysis”), Duarte Viveiros from CAP (“Fabrication of optical sensing devices by 3D laser micromachining”) and Vítor Amorim, also from CAP (“Optical and microfluidic monolithic devices fabricated by femtosecond laser micromachining”). As for the INESC TEC’s collaborators who are completing their Master’s Degree, six of them also had the opportunity to participate with poster presentations.

Two poster presentation sessions of the research work that is being developed at DFA were also part of the programme.

These conferences aim to inform Engineering Physics, Physics, Medical Physics and Astronomy students about the challenges and the overview of these areas, as well as to promote the contact between students and researchers of DFA. The atmosphere must be casual and convivial so students can make their first contact with several research topics that are addressed at the Department and Research Institutes.


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC.