INESC’s social bodies renewed for two more years
The General Assembly of INESC - Institute for Systems Engineering and Computer took place on 19 September. In that meeting, the reappointing of the members of INESC’s social bodies was defined for 2018 and 2019.
Therefore, the Board and the Executive Commission continue to be under the responsibility of José Manuel Tribolet, the General Meeting Board is under the responsibility of João Trindade Leal and the Supervisory Board under the responsibility of Pedro Matos Silva.
As for the Board of Directors, it is chaired by José Manuel Tribolet and it is composed of Abílio Henriques, Pedro Guedes de Oliveira, Arlindo Oliveira and Maria Dalila Teixeira, members who are also part of INESC TEC's General Council.
Since INESC is one of the main associates of INESC TEC, José Manuel Mendonça, President of INESC TEC’s Board is also part of the Senior Board.
The full list of all members is available HERE.
The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.
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