European project funded with 3 million euros ended with Excellent assessment
On 27 September, took place the third and final assessment by the European Commission of the SafeCloud project. The project was led by INESC TEC's High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab). With an investment of over three million euros, the project focused on the area of cloud infrastructures, that, despite their many advantages, still present several challenges of privacy and integrity to data storage and processing.
One of the largest agricultural and forestry events of Europe was initially a corn fair
Five technological solutions, two used in the forest and three used in the agriculture, representing a total investment of around EUR 7.4 million, were exhibited in Agroglobal 2018, the largest agricultural fair in Portugal that took place in Valada do Ribatejo (Santarém) between 5 and 7 September.
When he sans shade of fear or shame
The news is here: in Santa Maria, another step was made towards the completion of a centre with the ability to launch small satellites into space.